Avocados From Mexico
- Culinary Innovation
- Culinary Trends & Mapping
- Collateral Design
Avocados From Mexico Saucebilities
If you’ve noticed an array of fresh new sauces, salsas, and spreads featuring fresh avocados on national restaurant menus, you’re not alone. From Del Taco to Chili’s, avocados seem to be everywhere in a variety of forms. The only problem? Many well-trained chefs are stumped about how to use fresh avocados—beyond sliced and as guacamole—and avocados can be expensive. How can foodservice operators get on the fresh avocado bandwagon in a new, cost-effective, and delicious way?
SRG and Avocados From Mexico set out on a journey to inspire chefs across all sectors of the foodservice industry with innovative uses of fresh avocados. We discovered a key opportunity with sauces in particular because they are an inexpensive and appetizing way for operators to add freshness and uniqueness to a dish. SRG led the culinary exploration of more than 100 culinary innovations, showcasing unique techniques and one-of-a kind tastes and flavors. We then designed highly engaging collateral (Saucebilities) that was used to share and showcase these innovations. Through Saucebilities, Avocados From Mexico was able to educate chefs and position avocados as an easy and desirable go-to for the foodservice industry.
Today, Avocados From Mexico enjoys a 70% market share in foodservice alone, a dramatic rise over the past five years, which has resulted in a tremendous volume story for our growers and key stakeholders—and a delicious experience for consumers.